Saturday, August 06, 2011

Toy cars

Took this photo while in the train outside of Vienna ---- some meters high up. This is one of the many traffic light stops for the cars...that day  I realized how faster trains travel than cars. lol


  1. This is my first time popping by and I scrolled down to see your photos on this page - they are magnificent. I like the perspective you take; very cool.

  2. They sure look like toys. LOL. Nice shot.

    - Dropping from Adgitize :)

  3. Beautiful! I don't quite know how to achieve the tilt-shift effect yet

  4. did you do the tilt-shift edit? love the result!

  5. That's perhaps the reason why many kids and adults dig cars. In that angle, they're quite toy-like due to the small size. Up close, they're bigger, yet retain a certain likeness to toys. Bottom line: they look cool, which does appeal to an audience of all ages.

    Nice shot!
